Portobello America

Solutions tailored to the US market.

Get to know Portobello America

Portobello America is a company of the Portobello Group, a leader in ceramic tiles in Brazil and one of the 10 best in the world.

Present in the USA for over 20 years, Portobello America has warehouses throughout the United States, in addition to a plant under construction strategically located in Tennessee.


What we did


The company had a great challenge: to show that besides being part of one of the largest ceramic groups in the world, it is also a North American company focused on the United States and Canada market.


Positioning Portobello America as digital, in addition to presenting all solutions designed to meet the needs of the North American market and its consumers.


Portobello America's website has become the main channel for communication, portfolio presentation, and interaction between the company and the market. The solutions offered by PBA are customized to the needs of the North American customer and presented in an easy, fast, and assertive way, bringing immediate benefits to both the customer and the company.

Marelli – DAM

ENGIE – Website

ENGIE – Blog

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